Playing with Adobe Illustrator

I had never used a digital platform for illustration before today’s class. Adobe Illustrator has endless of options for creating playful illustrations and allows users to gain a different perspective on what it means to illustrate. Before using this digital platform, I thought it would be more restrictive than freely drawing in the material world, however, I found that I could incorporate even more interesting elements into my work. For example, from the picture I’ve added below, you can tell that I was interested in playing with shape and patterns, which I would not be able to execute as cleanly with actual art supplies. I did not have a plan going into today’s workshop, but after exploring the options Illustrator has to offer, I would be interested in going back to it and creating something like a poster with text. I think it would be fun to compare the work we did with at the printing press workshop and see if one method is more effective or appropriate for certain projects. Did you prefer working with new digital technology or the printing press?

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