Collage Workshop

I really enjoyed the collage workshop today and instantly picked out the two L.L.Bean magazines I wanted to use. When I think of play, my mind moves to exploring the beach with my younger sisters, playing in the sand and water, then at night sitting by a fire just off the porch of the house. A book that illustrates just this is Anne & Harlow Rockwell’s At the Beach, which depicts a little girl’s first time at the beach. 

My goal during the workshop was to illustrate a passage from this children’s book. I think that my collage works well in the context of the book because it is both realistic of what a little girl will find at the beach but is also playful. For example, my final DIY illustration accurately depicts the setting of the beach yet adds a playful touch with a hat on the whale and a clock as the sun. The illustration also provides a teachable moment for very young children who are just learning how to read because “sky,” “grass,” “beach,” and “sea” are all spelled out. I look forward to the digital workshop on Wednesday!

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