Does Kindness Exist?

 In society, there are unspoken rules that we grow up with. People often say, “Sharing is caring” or they donate to charity, and people volunteer. Do people do it because of the goodness of their hearts or because of what society has formed as things that a person should do in order to be perceived in a certain way.

Who Would You Save?

A thought experiment is presented to explore your morals and values. If a boat was sinking and the lifeboat couldn’t save everybody, who would you save and who would you sacrifice? Do your morals and values change in different situations, especially in a life or death situation? 

Intro to Consequentialism

Consequentialism is a branch of ethical philosophy that examines the consequences of an action to determine whether the action was good or bad. Through a house building exercise, we will examine how choices can affect outcomes, and why it’s important to think ahead before making choices.
