Philosophy of Colors & Emotion
A short activity that goes over if/how colors correlate with emotions. We will examine how different colors represent different feelings and emotions.
A short activity that goes over if/how colors correlate with emotions. We will examine how different colors represent different feelings and emotions.
What is knowledge and why do we seek it? Why do people desire being right? In this lesson we will investigate the power of knowledge and why it’s important to us.
In assessing the truth we often have to think about the information given to us. Should information be taken at face value, or should it be investigated? Through skepticism we can question the validity of information in hopes to find absolute truths.
What makes something beautiful? How do we differentiate between beauty and something being less beautiful? Through an arts and crafts activity we will explore the contents of beauty.
Consequentialism is a branch of ethical philosophy that examines the consequences of an action to determine whether the action was good or bad. Through a house building exercise, we will examine how choices can affect outcomes, and why it’s important to think ahead before making choices.
What is the Self and how do we define it? When thinking about abstract concepts such as gravity, how do we determine/distinguish between reality vs. imagination? What makes an idea real and what makes it fake? The lesson is divided into two parts, the first being the background discussion establishing definitions and ideas, and the second being an activity to […]
We are a team of Hamilton College students designing virtual philosophy lessons for K-12 students. Our goal is to empower students during these uncertain times and elevate their voices.
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323