The Witness

I believe that this book has been the greatest one that we have read this far in class. I really enjoyed reading it, and I am glad that I was able to participate in the group that presented on it.

The most interesting thing that I found about this book is the concept of what it means to be a witness. I spoke about it in class and how the word witness means martyr in ancient Greek, which I think directly correlates to this book. The cabin boy not only witnessed his fellow sailors and captain murdered and then eaten, he suffered. He suffered very similar torments that early christian martyrs suffered in the face of Roman paganism. He witnessed humanity ungoverned by western, christian morals. This was what struck me the most.

Furthermore, I really enjoyed the comparison to the ancient pagan festivals of Bacchus. It is so true that what the cabin boy discovered was the Bacchus like celebrations. Except this time he found it in the far off regions of the world unknown to both God or christian salvation.

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