Country Conflicts

One thing I found different about History of a Voyage to the Land of Brazil from other books that we have read so far, was that there seemed to be more discussion about conflict between the different countries that were sending explorers to the new world. Most of the other expeditions—most particularly the Narvaez expedition—were about conflicts with the natives of the lands. But here it states that, “The Spaniards boast, even more do the Portuguese, of having been the first to discover the land of Brazil… they consequently maintain that they are the lords of all those countries” (9). It is clear that the French believe they should have some claim to the discovered lands. It hints that there will be conflict as they attempt to claim it. Additionally, the narrative goes on to say that the French, “resolved to attack and combat the naval army of the King of Portugal if we met with it but also sworn to carry the victory” (14). As more land was discovered it became more of a battle regarding who got to claim it as their own.

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