Mapping Project

Tomson and I did the short story “Tlön, Uqbar, and Orbis Tertius” for our mapping project. Though the story had lots of interesting details, it was also very vague in terms of physical attributes. While a short book like Utopia, for example, explicitly mentioned the exact shape and layout of the nation, Borges’s story does not do the same. This presented a unique challenge while we were creating our map. We managed to blend the abstract and the concrete in our map, trying to integrate both elements of the story and elements of mapping. We integrated our names into a river and a lake in our map, showing that portion of mapping and conquest – those who discover and map an area have the opportunity to name it and take it as theirs. In addition, the element of the clock and of the words that change language and function serve to remind the viewer of the map as a representation of the story. Borges mentions lots of details about the society of this invented world, and we tried to integrate this abstract details into a physical map. This project provided both of us with an interesting time to think about the interaction in mapping between the known and the unknown, the abstract and the concrete.

One Reply to “Mapping Project”

  1. It was really interesting to see your integration of the abstract and the concrete in your map! Like you and Thomson, Sarah and I also struggled to map the story since Saramago’s text is stripped of geographical details and any form of nomenclature. Your focus on the role of the mapmaker (and the author of the short story) was a cool approach to take.

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