Robbie Burns Day

This article discusses the history and modern take on Robbie Burns Day, which celebrates Scotland’s Highland poet, Robert Burns. Robbie/Rabbie Burns, as Scotland calls him, wrote in his native dialect which became symbolic of upholding his heritage. The article discusses Burns’ impact on the writing world and themes he often discussed in his writing:

“The 18th-century poet’s radical messages of political equalitypenned in a time of populist agitation against the state have attracted both long-standing popular interest and scholarly debate. Scholars have also explored an ecological consciousness that pervades his work.”

For Robbie Burns Day, there is traditionally a dinner of haggis, turnips, and potatoes. People wear and adorn Scottish regalia and give speeches at supper. Selkirk Grace happens right before the dinner. 

The article discusses how Robbie Burns Day has made its way into countries besides Scotland. Locations and organizations such as the Mediterranean island of Malta; Dunedin, New Zealand; Canada; and Glasgow Afghan United have brought forth their own spins on Robbie Burns Day. During the pandemic, Ottawa and Dunedin were able to have virtual celebrations including pre-taped addresses. 

It’s very admirable that one man has had so much influence on many different countries for the content and dialect of his work!

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