Virtual Realms and Creativity

Recently, I’ve been thinking about how creating objects in a virtual realm impacts my creativity more broadly. For example, thinking in a virtual space has allowed me to be more inventive with my creative writing, and I am no longer restricted to writing about the world as I actually perceive it. Instead, I can craft a unique world through my writing, much like we’re doing with creating a virtual space in Unity. Not only am I now incorporating more dream space into my poetry, but I also no longer feel obliged to write about my experiences exactly as they happened. Instead, I can use my own experiences in conjunction with new landscapes and environments that I envision. I can write narrative poems in unfamiliar realms. Through this class, I learned that writing does not have to specifically resemble reality in order to be relatable and have meaning. Inventing new virtual realms has actually helped me to describe my own emotions in my writing more accurately. Hopefully, using virtual realms can help people understand the severity of a situation or how impactful it truly was for me. This notion is similar to the sentiment in the story “The Secret Miracle” when the narrator states that time stopped for Jaromir and that he actually saw the stationary shadow of a bee; this fantastical description allows people to understand that the moment truly felt like an eternity for him. I find it interesting that the virtual worlds we create may actually ring more true than reality itself.

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