Video Game Nation

Today’s world building workshop, which will be continued on Wednesday, was visually exciting and got me thinking about a wide range of ideas for the final group project. At the end of the session, when we were presented the visual option to see the world from the digital glasses point of view, the situation immediately put me in an image of being in a video game. I had a vivid memory of playing Call of Duty story mode and was so intrigued and got more excited to build a world just as intense and realistic. I remember feeling so enraptured and focused that the world truly affected me and felt real, which interests me much more given the opportunity to create such an experience. From another point of view, I also flashed back to my Sims phase and thought it was very intriguing to almost relate ourselves as humans placed in a virtual world as essentially a Sims character forced into a reality others create for us. I loved sims, and I always enjoyed creating realities for others that I almost wanted to experience myself, and so my objective to make the virtual world absolutely realistic has expounded in my head, and the thoughts are flowing about all the stories and settings.

One thought on “Video Game Nation

  1. The workshop made me excited too.  I like your comparison of Sims too.  While I never really played Sims, I am familiar with it and I think your comparison of being placed into a virtual world made by somebody else is apt.  I’m not exactly sure if Sims react to the world you create for them, or if they will react a specific way regardless of whatever world they’re in.  I want to say they react to their environment, so perhaps our life is like a real game of Sims…  I also like your Call of Duty comparison.  I admit that I suck at Call of Duty, but the worlds we were creating seemed very similar to games such as this, especially when we “put on the goggles” or viewed the world from the camera angle walking around.

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