Tinkercad or Rather the Limits Thereof

I would like to start with a disclaimer; this is not a rant, and I greatly enjoyed building my virtual object. With that out of the way, actually working on the virtual object made the limits of Tinkercad very clear. Now, I understand it’s a free hobby software, but crafting almost anything not made out of the most simple geometric shapes seemed like an exercise in pulling teeth. Most of the world, is in fact, filled with curves, and any curves that can be obtained from Tinkercad require bringing out spheres, cones, etc… and making judicious use of the hole function to try to sheer away parts of other objects to make them resemble what you desire. Now, maybe there’s a simpler way do so, but if so it wasn’t presented in the tutorials offered by the website. The addition of a drawing or sheer off tool I feel would make things much easier to design. The ability to make curves clearly exists within the software, the premade shapes with them prove that fact, so why aren’t they accessible? Working on the virtual object in Tinkercad has given me a true appreciation of the amount of work that premades in Unity save. Honestly, without them, even if we were using another modelling software, unless the entire course was solely spent working on a virtual environment, nothing even remotely resembling a finished product would be possible by the end of the semester. Of course, all that being said, I’m still quite proud of my virtual object, and I hope all of you are proud of yours.

One thought on “Tinkercad or Rather the Limits Thereof

  1. I had the exact same problem with curves in my object. I worked on the Tin-Woodman’s axe, and although the axe-head was actually easier to make than I expected, adding the subtle contours to the handle was almost impossible. What would have been most helpful would have been a bending function, so that users could take an object such as a cylinder and curve parts of it to different angles. I have little experience with computer coding, so I am not sure how much more advanced this software would need to be than the current one, but it seems like one of the best ways to solve this problem.

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