Questioning Reality in the Dream of a Thousand Cats

I think that, out of all of the short stories we have read leading up to this week, the one that creates the most interesting questions within its own world it is the “Dream of a Thousand Cats.” What I find particularly interesting about it is what Morpheus says about how, because of the dreams of the humans that changed the world, there never was a world ruled by cats to begin with. If the recreation of the world was retroactive, would that make human history nothing but a dream? Did any of it actually play out, or could it be considered the world’s “backstory,” so to speak? Furthermore, what would all of it mean if the world became a world of cats again? Would the world of humanity then become just a dream, and the return to a world of cats would be like an awakening, a return to reality as it originally was? Has humanity thrown all life into their dream? The fact that the dream of the cat who lost her kittens contains only animals and no humans pushes this even further. Would her dream have been an awakening in more ways than one? The tale as a whole puts the nature of dreams and reality into a nebulous state, and it can be interesting to ponder the relationship between the two as it is presented here.

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