Intertextuality in Dream Country

Throughout Dream Country, Gaiman makes use of intertextuality; he frequently draws upon other works of literature and art in order to add different layers to each of the stories. In a sense, this decision acts as a means of creating an alternate version of stories or references that many people know— or, in the terms of this class, an alternate version of the reality presented in these stories. Authors typically allude to other texts in order to allow readers to apply some meaning from the referenced text to the current text. Because Gaiman’s works are graphic novels and use so few words, this decision is especially important because it allows him to say so much more. It’s hard to imagine reading “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” with having read Shakespeare’s original version— Gaiman seems to assume that all readers are familiar with the play. Thus, while intertextuality contributes valuable information to a work of literature, it is also limited in that it assumes a specific audience. I think that Gaiman’s reference to “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” works because it is such a canonical text; but, some of the more obscure references, such as the reference to The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, are not as obvious.

One thought on “Intertextuality in Dream Country

  1. I like your comment here and I agree with you.  Looking back over “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” on the second to last page in the bottom left panel, I could not help but imagine the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland (the 1951 Disney version).  Both images only display Puck and the Cheshire Cat’s eyes and eerie smiles.  This makes sense because they are both trickster characters in their respective pieces.  Likewise, somebody mentioned in class the Puck was similar to the Grinch in his physical attributes and demeanor.  In “Facade” there is a panel which reminds me of da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man drawing with the way Urania is spread out (page 18 in the comic).  I do agree with you too that intertextuality limits the audience in some cases; I for one have not seen The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.  (I’ve included pictures of what I thought reminded me of other works, I couln’t find some of them online)


    Image result for the sandman dream country puckImage result for the grinch smile

      Image result for cheshire cat smile

    Image result for vitruvian man

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