Clarity of Clarion

In class, we have discussed the role of Clarion, the clown who appears to speak the truth in Life is A Dream where what is and is not real is constantly questioned. There are several indications throughout the play that Clarion may be a character that the audience can listen to and trust. First is Barca’s very deliberate choice of name for the character. A clarion is a shrill medieval war trumpet, or when used as an adjective, means to be “loud and clear” (Oxford Dictionary). Barca wanted the audience to know that Clarion’s role in the play is to alert people to what he has to say. The other indication of Clarion’s role as a truth-teller in the play is that fact that he is a clown. In the Renaissance, clowns and jesters were tools to tell the truth for what was happening in court. This revelation in class discussion struck me as odd because our modern day perception of clowns is the opposite. When people talk about clowns today, half the time I feel that people are saying how they have a fear of them. IT , one of the most popular films of 2017 (and book from the 20th century) centers around a killer clown. Even the less scary versions of clowns that you see perform at children’s parties aren’t exactly what I would call symbols of truth since they put on a mask of make up to perform. These modern interpretations of clowns led me to believe that Clarion was an unusual travel companion for Rosaura, but with a better understanding of the importance of his name and occupation, I see that he is a powerful tool for Barca to implement.

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