An Opportunity to Create a New World

I’ve really enjoyed getting to try out Unity this week. I can’t help but be reminded of all of the times that I’ve played a video game and saw the world lying within and wished that I could step into it for a moment. I remember always standing close to my television so that the images on the screen would take up so much of my vision that, sometimes, it felt like I was standing right there. Some of those worlds are so detailed and full of life that, in the moment, I almost forget that they’re not real, and that’s one of the things I really love about games. I love how they have the ability to create entirely new and amazing worlds for us, as players, to explore and interact with. I think it’s an artistic endeavor that’s both wonderful and interesting. Today, being able to work with the headset not only made me feel like I was stepping right into one of those amazing worlds for just a moment, but it also got me excited about the fact that my group and I are now going to try to create one of them by ourselves and step into that one! It’ll be like walking right into a dream! While I’m by no means skilled with any kind of visual or graphic design, I think it’ll be a lot of fun to try create something similar to that with my group, and I look forward to making my best attempt to realize a world that we’ve read about!

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