Which Medium Creates a More Complete Reality?

In this class, now, we have both watched the movie and begun to read the original novel of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Considering that this class is focused on virtual realities and fantasy worlds, it could be interesting to pose the question of which permutation better creates a virtual reality for its audience. On the one hand, the movie lays out the world of Oz right before the viewer. One can see every part of Dorothy’s journey presented as a gorgeous, charming, and whimsical illusion with their own eyes, and, back in 1939, the film being in color must have enchanted those watching it in a very powerful way. At the same time, the movies takes away the freedom of imagination that the book offers. When one reads the novel, though there are some few illustrations on some of the pages, much of the world is left for the reader to dream up and immerse themselves in. In this case, the dreamworld of Oz is nearly boundless, and it exists uniquely for each person. However, the world of the novel can only be “seen” in one’s mind, and thus cannot be actually seen in any way. So which creates the better virtual reality? The movie, which creates a confined, but observable illusion, or the book, which makes the reader create an invisible dream for themselves?

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