Eva vs. Pearl

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Both Pearl in Hawthorne’s Scarlett Letter and Eva in Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin play similar roles in their stories. They drive the character development of those around them, vex their parents, and generally bringing chaos and humor. They are wild and unpredictable, but generally good, caring people. It is their innocence and insistence on the things they want that lead their parents, specifically Hester and St Clare, to do good things for those around them. Both girls are their parents’ only child and their beauty is frequently remarked upon. Pearl and Eva also share a reputation for extraordinary kindness and not being afraid to connect people. It is Pearl that reaches out to her father and insists that he rejoin her family, and it is Eva that meets Tom and brings him to her father. 

One big difference between these characters is their relationships with their mothers. Pearl and Hester are used to only having each other, so they have a strong bond, even though Pearl’s behavior often confuses or annoys her mother. Hester spends time book pondering the nature of her daughter debating whether she is good or evil, human or not. It is noted that Pearl seems to embody the spirit of a younger Hester, containing all the fire and passion that brough Pearl into existence.  Hester’s life seems to revolve around Pearl, and it is clear that Hester loves her daughter more than anything else. She gave up her way of life to have Pearl, and aptly named her due to the price that was paid for her.

So far, Marie does not seem so enraptured with her child. She finds Eva’s ways exhausting, and pushes her away. She doesn’t indulge Eva’s requests like St Clare does, nor does she make any attempt at understanding her daughter. Even she acknowledges that she and the young girl have very little in common.  She seems to consider herself above raising her child, and is more focused on her own “sufferings” than the kind little girl in front of her. 

Despite living centuries apart, many parallels can be seen between the characters of Eva and Pearl and the part they play in the progression of their respective stories. 

3 thoughts on “Eva vs. Pearl”

  1. One very strong contrast between Eva and Pearl is that Eva completely absorbs and then reflects religious belief, while Pearl seems to resist it completely.  However, since neither of her parents are religious, it’s hard to know how and where Eva gets her faith. It seems almost innate, in the same way that Pearl’s resistance and individuality seem innate.

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