Munson Williams Proctor Art Institute Object Response

Art History 310 in Munson Williams Proctor's Art Education Room
Art History 310 in Munson Williams Proctor’s Art Education Room

Students visited the Munson Williams Proctor Arts Institute located in Utica, NY, where they met with Anna D’Ambrosio, Director, and Mary Murray, Curator of Modern Art. The class visited the museum’s storage facilities and then had a focused discussion of works by Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko and Edward Hopper. Each then chose one or more works to study more closely and wrote a short analysis describing and interpreting their chosen artwork(s).

Student Short Essays:

Hillary BisonĂ³ Ortega ’21

Jay Carhart ’21

Sunny Chen ’20

Emma Fighera ’20

Amanda Ghiloni ’22

Jesse Gross ’22

Sam Guindon ’21

Madeline Justiniano ’21

Kathryn Kearney ’21

Lydia McGinn ’22

Satchel McLaughlin ‘ 22

Adriana Mullin ’21

Olivia Munnelly ‘ 20

Mary Bei Prince ’20

Lila Reid ’20

Ellie Silk ’22