In early October, the class traveled to New York City, spending time with art industry leaders at The Whitney Museum, Christie’s and at several galleries, art dealers and with individual collectors. On their return, students wrote a short response to an object that was discussed or a person that they interviewed.

Hamilton News Article about the NYC Trip

Student Reflections:

Hillary Bisonó Ortega ’21 – Scott Rothkopf, Chief Curator and Deputy Director, Whitney Museum of American Art

Jay Carhart ’21 – Carol Friscia K’77

Sunny Chen ’20 – Eric Widing, Deputy Chairman, Christie’s

Emma Fighera ’20 – Lauren Panzo, Director, Pace MacGill Gallery

Amanda Ghiloni ’22 – Karen and Kevin Kennedy ’70

Jesse Gross ’22 – Eric Widing, Deputy Chairman, Christie’s

Sam Guindon ’21 – Alice Duncan, Director, Gerald Peter’s Gallery

Madeline Justiniano ’21 – Alice Duncan, Director, Gerald Peter’s Gallery

Kathryn Kearney ’21 – Andy Schoelkopf, Director, Menconi & Schoelkopf Fine Art

Lydia McGinn ’22 – Scott Rothkopf, Chief Curator and Deputy Director, Whitney Museum of American Art

Satchel McLaughlin ‘ 22 – Eric Baumgartner, Director, Hirschl & Adler Gallery

Adriana Mullin ’21 – Andy Schoelkopf, Director, Menconi & Schoelkopf Fine Art

Olivia Munnelly ‘20 – Karen and Kevin Kennedy ’70

Mary Bei Prince ’20 – Eric Baumgartner, Director, Hirschl & Adler Gallery

Lila Reid ’20 – Adrienne Conzelman ’92

Generous support for our trip was provided by The Kirkland Endowment, The Levitt Center and The Experiential Learning Fund. Special thanks go to all the people who generously hosted us at their museums, galleries and homes.