Swipe Right on White: Implicit Racism on Tinder

Tinder is the most popular dating app in the world, with 7.8 million Americans who are active monthly users (Verto Analytics 2019). The interface of this app provides a range of profiles that can either be swiped right to show disinterest or swiped left to demonstrate attraction. When two people swipe left on each other, […]

The Truth Underground – NYC Subways

To many, New York City seems the perfect cosmopolitan city: one defined by diversity and opportunity. But in reality, the history of segregation in the city remains very much alive. City dwellers “live together,” but they live apart – entire neighborhoods, institutions, and schools tend to be dominated by a certain race and socioeconomic class. […]

Boston and Ethnic Division: Helpful or Harmful?

Growing up just outside of Boston and visiting the city frequently, the various ethnic sectors were always apparent to me: Southie had the Irish, the North End housed the Italians, Chinatown was home to the Chinese. These communities provide a sense of belonging to certain ethnicities who say they can embrace their culture. However, they […]

Wilderness: White & Wealthy

The lack of diversity is a major problem in most spaces and institutions within the United States, but it is especially prevalent within the outdoor industry, which is dominated by wealthy white people. In 2015, people of color, who comprise 40% of the U.S. population, only accounted for about 20% of the visitors to national […]