Sexism in Scouting

Pictured above: 1950’s posters for boy scouts and girl scouts by Normal Rockwell. Put together here in a collage to show the seriousness portrayed by BSA compared to GSUSA’s more playful attitude. There is a reason why the Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA) have had a century-long identity crisis on their […]

Influential Women in STEM Against All Odds

This diagram shows seven women who changed the history of science with their incredible contributions, but who are often not recognized for them. The women on this diagram are restricted to the late 19th and 20th centuries, although the gender inequality has existed in STEM fields long before. Women are oppressed in these fields in many different ways, and I chose to highlight two of them: women face restrictions on their education and jobs, and they are not recognized for the same achievements their male colleagues are, especially historically by the Nobel committee.