The Truth Underground – NYC Subways

To many, New York City seems the perfect cosmopolitan city: one defined by diversity and opportunity. But in reality, the history of segregation in the city remains very much alive. City dwellers “live together,” but they live apart – entire neighborhoods, institutions, and schools tend to be dominated by a certain race and socioeconomic class. […]

External Expectations: Unpacking the Beauty Standard

It’s no secret that beauty products are expensive. According to Business Insider, the beauty industry was worth $532 billion in 2019. Magazine ads use appealing images and seemingly empowering language to say: buy our expensive product and you, too, will be enough. Such popular imaging sets the standards that women compare themselves to. So how […]

Sexism in Scouting

Pictured above: 1950’s posters for boy scouts and girl scouts by Normal Rockwell. Put together here in a collage to show the seriousness portrayed by BSA compared to GSUSA’s more playful attitude. There is a reason why the Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA) have had a century-long identity crisis on their […]