The Unbalanced Nature of Education

The Problem with Education Education is unbalanced: its results are powerfully shaped by the various advantages conferred by social class. The gap between high income and low income children in terms of SAT scores is fifty percent larger in the 21st century than it was in the 1960s (Duncan and Murnane 2014:3). The fact that […]

Swipe Right on White: Implicit Racism on Tinder

Tinder is the most popular dating app in the world, with 7.8 million Americans who are active monthly users (Verto Analytics 2019). The interface of this app provides a range of profiles that can either be swiped right to show disinterest or swiped left to demonstrate attraction. When two people swipe left on each other, […]

Therapy or Fraud?

Less than two decades ago, the eye-opening television show Brat Camp aired in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and in the United States, exposing audiences to wilderness therapy as a way to help troubled teens. Filmed at Redcliff Ascent in Utah, the show highlighted the stories of kids who struggled with issues such as drug […]

You Pierced What?

When I asked to get my nose pierced for my 17th birthday, I shouldn’t have been surprised when my mom said no. My dad took me instead. My mom wasn’t terribly opposed but went on to explain that I shouldn’t get any more obvious piercings if I want to look employable. Now, with 13 piercings and […]