The Importance of Local Media On the 2020 Election

Political polarization divides the United States; the media plays an important role in this division as it can publicize and promote polarizing opinions on either side. The election fraud debate during the 2020 election epitomized this polarization; the country split between those who believed and discredited former president Trump’s claims of a stolen election. Massachusetts: […]

The Electoral College is Unjust

Pictured: US map colored by party association in the 2020 presidential election. Each state contains the number of votes needed to equal one of their electoral representatives.On average, democratic states needed ~261,437.91 votes to win one electoral representative, while Republicans needed ~318,665.91 (~57,527.61 more on average) in the 2 020 election. The structure of the […]

External Expectations: Unpacking the Beauty Standard

It’s no secret that beauty products are expensive. According to Business Insider, the beauty industry was worth $532 billion in 2019. Magazine ads use appealing images and seemingly empowering language to say: buy our expensive product and you, too, will be enough. Such popular imaging sets the standards that women compare themselves to. So how […]