TV Doesn’t Have Space For Fatness

Television distorts, mocks and marginalizes fat people. Fat characters are reduced to caricatures whose stories and identities aren’t developed and don’t matter. TV audiences look down on fat characters because they are made fun of on the shows they are shown in (Himes 2007:713). Not only is the representation of fat people overwhelmingly negative, but […]

“What Happens to a Dream Deferred?”

The opening line of Langston Hughes’ poem Harlem asks, “What happens to a Dream Deferred?” The poem speaks about the pain of not realizing one’s dreams amid the racial inequalities Black Americans faced in the 1960s. Likewise, people impacted by the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAMers) currently face the pain of […]

Anti-Black and Patriarchal Realities of School Discipline

Black children are disproportionately subject to school discipline in the United States (Crenshaw 2015; Entwisle 2007; Farkas 1990; Onyeka-Crawford 2017; Owens 2016; Skiba 2014). Although the disproportionate discipline of Black boys has generated much scholarship (Losen 2010; Raffaele Mendez 2003; Owens 2016), less attention has been paid to the disproportionate discipline of Black girls (Crenshaw […]