Skincare and Ageism: A Match Made in Heaven

It has recently come to my attention in turning 20 that I should invest in looking 20. Evidence of my aging is emerging in wrinkles and freckles. A dermatologist has already recommended me a retinol and my 23-year-old cousin is lamenting preventative Botox. In a society obsessed with youth and beauty, how are women allowed […]

Inequalities in College Admissions

“Powerful groups inevitably create social and cultural systems that legitimate their own class advantage” mitchell stevens, Creating a class, p. 11 In no place is this more evident than college admissions. While powerful upper class groups are constantly legitimated by the higher education system, members of poor classes that lack the knowledge necessary to be […]

26.2, You Can Do It Too, Run Boston!

Since 1896 at the Olympic Games in Athens, the tradition of marathons has spread globally to cities such as Tokyo, Boston, London, Chicago, Berlin, and New York. About 1.1 million people worldwide participate in marathons yearly (Sayer, 2022). Marathon running has increased from 25,000 runners in 1976 to 2 million in 2010 (Burkule, 2016). Boston […]