To Autumn

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I am also presenting on this poem but I wanted to outline some of my initial thoughts about the poem that I had while reading it. The poem’s audience is Autumn itself which is first set up in the title of the poem. In this way, the poem works to personify Autumn and gives it human-like characteristics such as having relationships and sleeping. In the same way, by personifying Autumn the speaker gives Autumn a sense of mortality. Much like a person, the existence of Autumn implies impending death and decay. In this way I think the comparison between Autumn and a person is very interesting, almost stating that death is what makes something human. Connecting to this idea, the rest of the poem describes the unique beauty that Autumn holds– and states that it’s beauty should not be compared to that of Spring, the more typical season of ‘beauty’ in poetry from the same time period. I think the speaker tries to articulate with this idea that Autumn is so beautiful because it is followed by death. Almost like the decay which follows Autumn makes it even more beautiful. This gets at a possible main idea for the poem: that Autumn’s beauty comes from the surge of life and fullness preceding death. 

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