Populations coming together after the resolution of the Ethiopia-Eritrea border dispute



The Ethiopia and Eritrea Border war occurred between 1998-2000, and until July 9th of this year the two countries had existed in an uneasy ceasefire, with strictly no contact between residents of the two countries. Much of the conflict centered around the border town of Badme, and Eritrea’s ports and trade opportunities figured largely in the root of the conflict. Peace discussions began mostly with the election of Ethiopia’s new prime minister, Abiy Ahmed. Ahmed is a relative newcomer and a relative progressive, in marked contrast to the Eritrean president Isaias Afwerki, who presides over the only African country to not undergo elections.

One of the most shocking aspects of this peace agreement is the joy expressed by residents who had been cut off from contact with citizens of either country for the past two decades. There are reports of citizens calling random numbers on the other side just to reconnect with voices from a land that had been closed off from them.

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