Wellin Workshop

Meeting Yun-Fei Ji on Wednesday was very inspiring. Being able to hear him talk about his work was a very interesting experience. it is not often that you get to hear artists talk about their work in such an intimate environment. While he may be soft-spoken, he gave valuable insight into the art he creates. His work is extremely conscious about the environmental state of China, which I admire. Art can often be hollow in meaning, and hearing Yun-Fei speak on behalf of his work shed light on how impactful it can be. I got the sense that Yun-Fei had a lot to say about China, and uses his art as a medium to express his thoughts.

A lot of his work that was on display in Wellin – particularly the scroll that wrapped around the center wall structure – seemed to exist in an undefined dimension. In other words, the presence of the ground and sky and so on was not the most defined. This was displayed the most inside the center wall structure; The scrolls displayed there took on a darker tone and seemed to float within the borders of the page. This creates a very interesting effect, as if Yun-Fei is not depicting a scene but rather a stand-alone idea that he is trying to get across to the audience. Overall the experience on Wednesday was an extremely interesting one, in which I learned a lot about Eastern art as apposed to Western art, which I am more accustomed to seeing.

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