Tripping in Bordeaux

I meant to post this right after I watched the movie, but by the time I finished all 1 hour and 40 something minutes of it, it was already Wednesday (I started it Tuesday night) and time to sleep. Then I forgot all about it until now…

Anyways, before I say anything else let me say I love all of Goya’s work and his is progression from bright and cheerful subject material to dark and fantastical is absolutely fascinating.

However, what I didn’t love was this movie. I was constantly confused and annoyed as I paused and rewinded for the umpteenth time, having looked away for a fraction of a second and missed the subtitles as well as being worried for the state of Goya’s health -every few minutes my roommate would laugh as I made statements such as “whatever Goya’s smoking, he needs to stop” and “I’m not sure but I think Goya’s going on another acid trip”.

All in all, because of these complaints, I wasn’t able to appreciate the beauty of the art displayed in the movie or to contemplate it or Goya himself in any depth until I had gotten a good eight hours of sleep and dreams had washed the majority of this strange movie from my memory.


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