The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar was one of my favorite picture books from my childhood, and seeing it in class made me think about how we perceive the art in children’s books. Children’s books are so incredibly wonderful for so many reasons, and so many have stuck with me, so I decided to write my final paper comparing Goya to a favorite book of mine (and of the world in general), Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax. I think writing this essay will open my eyes in a new way to picture books, because it will force me to compare one to the very dark and mature artwork of Goya. Who knows what I will find…. Maybe there are more similarities than meet the eye?The_Lorax

2 thoughts on “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”

  1. You have a really interesting idea there. While I did find that going over old children’s book nostalgic, I feel like if I tried and look more into its meaning I would change my perspective of the author and book. You may end up learning you may like or not. Good luck with your paper.

  2. I like your plan for your final paper! Sounds interesting. I agree with Araseli.. I would fear that investigating images from my childhood could corrupt their purity and the positive memories I associate with them. I hope that you find new ways to interpret “The Lorax” that don’t harm your beloved memories too much. Good luck with your paper too!

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