The Male Gaze in Ernst

So as we talked about the male gaze in relation to page 47 in Une Semane De Bonte (the image of female legs being swept away in a flood as a man watches), I couldn’t help but notice something about the male figure that I thought was odd. The man appears to be wearing feminine clothing. It is difficult to tell exactly, but it looks to me like he is wearing tall boots under a calf-length skirt or dress, with a blazer on top. The figure even seems to have a feminine form. After covering the figures head with my thumb, I noticed that the figure even seems to have breasts as well. To me, this seems to complicate our discussion of the male gaze, but I’m not exactly sure how or even what extra meaning can be gleaned from this new information. At first I thought it might be a commentary that the male gaze has become so ingrained in society that it has actually become the societal gaze, but I don’t have much other evidence to support that theory. Clearly, I’m still not quite sure what to make of this, but I thought it might be a point of interest.

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