The Arrival, the unknown

The Arrival comments on a very well debated theme today, immigration. A common reason people migrate from one country to another is to seek refuge or a better life. I know my parents did a similar thing. They have told how out of place and uncomfortable they felt when they first arrived. I like author’s portrayal of the characters uneasiness when trying to figure out how to get somewhere. I do have a question though. I noticed that each foreign person had one of this white creatures with them. Each were different for each person. Is there a reason why the man has a dog-like creature while the lady, who helped him with his ticket, had a cat-like creature. If a creature was given to each new family that arrived, then how many unknown things are there.

I think that the creatures are there to help the new people adjust to the place. Even though they my comforting to the immigrants, one has to think how they affect the natives. Could the author be commenting on the new things that come with immigration. I honestly do not know. What do you think these creature represent? I think that represent the unknown.

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