Quick Thought on Gorrey Animation

*Warning, this was a post that was sitting as a draft because I forgot to click publish. Feel free to ignore this this week*

I am happy that you made us pick up a Gorrey book. It wouldn’t have been an art book I think I would have ever picked up. It looks too dark for something for me to pick up as a kid, which is a good thing it seems. But there is this simplicity and lightness to the work that I believe calls for its best medium to be in animation. The short clip you showed in class of the beginning to the PBS mystery series demonstrated how naturally comedic Gorrey’s characters are. To leave them stagnate in the print almost does these wonderfully creepy and endearing characters a disservice. To animate them is to add a bit more absurdity: in the exaggerated stiff animation and the bright off kilter sound effects and musical background.

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