Meeting Yun-Fei Ji

Listening to questions for Yun-Fei Ji and hearing his responses during Wednesday’s class meeting with Yun-Fei Ji was a great experience. I thought the most interesting part of our meeting was the fact that he did not have answers to several of the students questions. I am one who constantly questions whether or not we are overanalyzing the author/creator’s intentions when looking at his or her work. Yun-Fei’s responses made it clear that while he does have a voice in his work, and that his voice is not indifferent, he leaves the details up to the imagination of the viewer. This resonated with me, as I feel that sometimes authors create work that is supposed to be controversial but leave it to the viewer to find their own meaning rather than telling the viewer how to understand what they are seeing/reading. Overall, I really enjoyed Yun-Fei Ji’s responses and gained some valuable insight into the artistic process.

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