Importance of Color in Asterios Polyp

I want to touch on something we briefly discussed today in class, Mazzucchelli’s use of color. In the first few pages, everything is mostly in the color blue. Later on in the book we realize that blue signifies Asterios’s past (specifically Asterios himself in the past). While he is watching his old video tapes, everything is blue suggesting he is watching the videos to lamenting his past. As soon as the lightening strikes, we are taken to purple and yellow, the colors that would signify Asterios’s present life. As we work our way through the book we see that Hana represents the color of red. Going through Asterios’s past, we see that there are moments in which Asterios and Hana are both red and blue, possibly meaning very close moments the two of them shared. When their colors contrasted greatly, they were often at odds with one another. What I think Mazzuchelli does the best is how he uses color at the end. Spoiler Alert: As Asterios begins his journey to find Hana in Minnesota, the two color worlds slowly begin to combine. He makes the realization that he needs to find her and from that moment on, the color schemes become one, and the closer Asterios gets to Hana’s house, the more of the color spectrum we begin to see. Just some food for thought.

2 thoughts on “Importance of Color in Asterios Polyp”

  1. I completely agree! I loved how Mazzucchelli employed color to show the phases of Asterios’s life and his relationship with Hana. For me, it provided another layer of story-telling, a timeline if you will. I was shocked when we used the 3D glasses.. the scenes when Asterios and Hana met and their figures were etched jumped off the page, further showing how dramatic their meeting was.

  2. I also think this is really fascinating. I was definitely more inclined to understand the emotions (i.e. the color blue associated with nostalgia, the color red associated with passion and love, etc.) of each section because of the colors they in which they were rendered. I didn’t pick up on the merging and contrasting of colors toward the end–I think that makes this whole concept even more interesting!

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