Illumination and Animation

I thought Secret of the Kells was absolutely beautiful. What I most appreciated was the effort to echo the laborious art of illumination in the animation. The animators clearly took elements from traditional celtic art into account, and the subtle influences made for a bold and clean feature that was a pleasure to watch. The example that comes immediately to mind is the climactic battle between Brendan and the Crom Cruach, wherein the body of Crom Cruach forms a pattern similar to those found on the borders of Irish illuminated manuscripts. To me, it felt reminiscent of Disney’s Hercules, or even Mulan, but with a more direct and explicit intent (and perhaps a little less appropriation).

More than that, however, it also takes the elements of traditional illumination, both stylistically and in spirit. The attention to detail, the juxtaposition of light and dark, and the sense of mystery, history, and dedication inherent in the animation all echo the subject of the film–illumination.

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