Illuminati Manuscript


Illuminati = 9,12,12,21,13,9,14,1,20,9

9+12+12+21+13+9+14+1+20+9 = 120

120 = 1,2,0


This illuminated manuscript has one archway (1) containing two main figures (2) with haloes in the shape of zeros (0). Coincidence? I THINK NOT! ILLUMINATI MANUSCRIPT CONFIRMED.

In all seriousness though, this page is from a French book of hours. The scene itself is the Annunciation, in which the angel Gabriel tells the Virgin Mary that she will be the mother of Jesus.

What really caught my attention in this illumination was the intricate and symmetric floral detailing, and I really wanted to share it with you guys –I thought you might like it since we just watched The Secret of Kells.

So what does everyone think of my theory? 😀

One thought on “Illuminati Manuscript”

  1. I really appreciate your excitement for the material. When I first saw this, I was confused. I now see that this may be a commentary on how we analyze text/art. Are we looking too much into it? Is what we see and interpret really there? Hopefully throughout this semester, this question can be answered. However I do agree with you about the floral decoration. They remind me of the art work used in the film “The Secrets of Kells.”

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