Color and Dimension

“Asterios Polyp”by David Mazzucchelli takes place, for the most part, within two dimensions. Obviously some aspects of shading come into play when Mazzucchelli made the graphic novel in order to give it some three-dimensional aspects, but it is mostly two-dimensional. However, when we put on the 3-D glasses, the graphic novel truly became something of three dimensions. While some of the pages did not jump out at me as much as others did, the ones that did jumped out a lot. Not only does this bring to life certain aspects of the page that might have gone unnoticed before, but it emphasizes the things that do not jump out as well by creating a three-dimensional border of sorts. This could be a very interesting way of viewing the graphic novel, whether or not Mazzucchelli had this in mind when he created it. Regardless of this, the color in the book speaks to the scenes as well. When things are good, the colors are vidid and bright. But when things are bad, Mazzucchelli utilizes darker and more washed-out tones. This creates an overall aesthetic to the graphic novel that lets the reader know what is going on even before they read the text.

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