Collage Reflections

As I’ve learned from many of our workshops, the creating art is a lot more time consuming and difficult than it looks. I absolutely loved the collage workshop, largely because it is something that I used to do often when I was younger. In the past, my collages were just pasted images cut from magazines that I liked. I found it a lot more difficult to pull images from magazines and books that have to relate to the scene I am trying to depict, Dracula waking from his tomb. I found that it was hard to recreate such a specific scene with the content in a magazine. I think I am going to end up drawing or selecting and printing the more specific images (like Dracula and a tomb). I have also never made a collage with tissue paper and streamers before, but I really liked the way that it looked on the page, though it was hard to glue down. I think the prettiest collages are made by layering mediums, though this is the most time consuming. I am glad we are starting this final project early!

2 thoughts on “Collage Reflections”

  1. I also found creating a collage to be a lot harder than I expected! I think I was surprised as to how difficult it was because of my previous experiences, which were much easier. As you mentioned (and this is certainly the case for me as well), when you were younger your collages were composed of images from magazines aimlessly pasted on a page. Now that we have been enlightened by Ernst, it has created a number of obstacles (though this isn’t a bad thing). It is not only hard to find the perfect image to depict what you have in mind, but coming up with an idea itself is no small task! In any work of art, finding a narrative to creatively weave into the piece is a challenge. The added challenge in collage is weaving in this narrative with limited access to pictures. Additionally, the selection of images may add or subtract from the narrative, or give the reader a different idea than what you are trying to depict. For all of these reasons I certainly have to agree that collage is a lot harder than anticipated, and I share the sentiment that I am glad we are starting our final project early!

  2. I also found the collage to be quite difficult to make. After considering it for a while and not finding images that I felt worked well together, I decided to focus more on finding interesting patterns and textures that I could glue together to create new shapes and images, instead of locating already complete images of people and objects in the magazines. It was a fun time, although it took much longer than expected to cut all the paper and make something I liked.

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