Class in Tres Riches Heures

One of the things about Tres Riches Heures that has been really interesting to me is the presentation of the upper class vs. the middle class. For example, the March image is of peasants working on the land, while the April image next to it depicts a wedding involving wealthy people. The disparity is incredibly evident in the juxtaposition of the two. Considering the fact that this book and books like it could only be afforded by upper class people, it is intriguing that the poor are even pictured, let alone in such stark opposition to the wealthy. Does it serve as a reminder to the rich of their position, or is it an attempt to accurately portray the lifestyles of all people who lived during the time? Either way, it makes me think of just how much class determined identity and lifestyle during the time (and even today).


One thought on “Class in Tres Riches Heures”

  1. I definitely agree that the presentation of the upper and lower classes is quite interesting! It is definitely interesting that the poor are pictured. I have some ideas as to why they may be included in the manuscript at all. Perhaps the Limbourg brothers included images of the working class as part of their own style, or as a testament to the working class. Perhaps they wished to convey life in France holistically, rather than just from a wealthy perspective. As illuminators, the book was created for a specific patron (Jean de Berry), but they certainly were able to take some creative license. Another suggestion comes from the discussion we had in class on Wednesday. Maybe Jean de Berry wished to have the lower class depicted as a representation of the people who worked for him. In any case, the decision to include the working class certainly provides interesting commentary on social stratification at the time. Many of the ways in which the lower class individuals are depicted (ill-fitting clothing, idle hands, scantily clad appearance, etc.) serve as an indication of what working class life was like. It’s amazing that these images can provide such insightful commentary on social issues!

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