Asterios Polyp comic

Asterios Polyp explores the concept of duality. How once becomes who they are. This can be seen throughout the comic. The sections within the book display sevens from Asterios Polyp’s life. The book seems to tell a narrative about how this Professor came to be what he is now. Through out the book we constantly see how Polyp interacts with other of the opposite personality. A good example is his wife, the artist. While it was sort of explained how their relationship worked, one could easy expect conflict. This is likely why when we find out he is divorced it is not much of a surprise. We as readers see the many flaws the character has and how he came to develop them. Was he always this way or did his environment, while growing up, affect him?

The idea of nature vs nurture has been a well known debate. I like to think that both have an equal power in development. In Polpy’s case, I think it the same. What do you think?

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