A new insight on Ernst

During the workshop today, I discovered something about Ernst’s collages. While creating my own collage, I realized that many of the pieces that I cut out I was giving new meaning to. For instance, I cut out a clown from a rather harmless children’s book. His face in my collage now looks like one of satirical nature. It goes to show that objects out of context have their meaning redefined. Which made me think about Ernst’s collages. For all I know, Ernst was collecting images of animals from a Charles Darwin book. Ernst then repurposed possibly harmless images to something of a satirical or horrific nature. I think it would be interesting to know where Ernst got his images from. In the collage I created today, almost all of my images were from the same text, one about nature. However, when I reorganized the images from a book of nature, I made a commentary about the destruction of nature by humans. I just found that I would be interesting to see if Ernst might have done something similar giving even more, commentary on already fascinating images.

One thought on “A new insight on Ernst”

  1. I really appreciate this comment, John. When searching for images to try depict a scene, I found myself drawn to some of the words in the magazines that seemed to represent the thematic elements of the text (I am trying to depict a scene from Dracula). That said, I cut certain words from sentences in magazines (for instance, “mysteries”, “spooky”, etc.). In this way, I completely took them from the sentences where they were used to create new sentences with alternative meaning. I also found it interesting how much can be expressed through color. Although sometimes I found words that may have worked, they were written in a “happy” font with light colors which would create a different mood than what I was going for.

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