A Dream Come True

I am about halfway through my abroad experience now and school is becoming is more stressful. I have three final papers that are due in about a month.  One is sixty percent of my grade, one is seventy-five percent of my grade, and the third is one hundred percent of my grade, so I feel a lot of pressure to do well.  I also have an exam worth one hundred percent of my grade.  The good news is I absolutely love my classes. These papers and the exam will be challenging, but I will (hopefully) have fun completing them.

In an effort to get out and be more social, I recently I went an author event with a friend at Foyles (a bookstore in London). I have gone to many book events in the past meeting great authors such as Eliza Osborn, Lauren Magaziner, Jerri Spinelli, Nicole Dennis-Benn, Jacqueline Woodson and Sarah Dessen.  I also wrote to Stephen Chbosky, the author of the Perks of Being a Wallflower and he wrote me back!  Books have had such a strong impact on my life, so going to an author event in London was so exciting and it felt familiar to me.

I also recently went to Spain with my family! As I mentioned in my first blog post, I have always wanted to go to Spain, Italy and London partially because of the Cheetah Girls, Lizzie McGuire, and the Bratz. I cannot believe I was able to fulfill my childhood dreams! Being abroad has ignited a hope within me that I will live a life that is fulfilling and rich in experience.  I have made an internal list of all of my dreams that have come true and my abroad experiences have added to my list in ways I never could have expected.  I feel so grateful that I even have a list of dreams that have come true, and I can’t wait to continue to add to it while I am here.  I have written more poetry to document my experiences. Here it is!



Guitar playing softly

Music curling around my ears

Joy bubbles in my stomach and makes its up way up to my heart

Spreading like the steam from boiling tea

Sultry saxophone blaring, bouncing off the walls of the subway

A rapper in the subway car

His words rolling around the bumpy train


Museu Nacional D’art De Catalunya

We look up at you

With layers of waterfall that fold in on each other like a three-step staircase

Trees surround you, hugging you close

I stand and stare


With my words

I try to hold you

Like one gingerly holds a lightning bug

In cupped palms

Living my Cheetah Girl Dream

“Can you play the Cheetah girls? Please oh please?” we ask.  Mami says after a minute!  So we wait and wait and suddenly

The music starts, guitar fills the room and dialogue begins

We look at each other

Nostalgia fills the room

We dance and shimmy, strut down the hotel room like the queens we are

What a way

To start our day

Street Art: London

We look for you

Like children playing hide and seek,

where’s Waldo, and I spy


Our eyes search the walls

Looking for bits and pieces of you

I see you peeking from around the street corner

Hidden on top of buildings

On store walls


A family of paintings pasted on alley walls

My eyes hop from image to image

We eagerly capture pictures

Then continue

to sift for gold

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