Pictures with an Outsider: A Minor Reflection

Lost in-

Elegant, yet simultaneously serene scenes

Silhouettes of my future self

Moving and grooving

Gallops through groups of groupies

Herds of photographers, paparazzi

Please, perdon, permisi, atansyon

I may be well known

Or look like a lad you should shoot

But please, let me live my life


A Haitian who’s  lived in America for most of his life

One trip to a Buddhist temple to apply what he’s learned

Borobudur, Indonesia

Indonesian people

Students, laki-laki, perempuan

“May I have a picture please mister?”

“Ya, tidak apa”

In my head I know that if my soul is to sink in the silhouettes of my future

I must use this attention as practice


Let me, move and groove to the switching of groups

Eager to show their friends and family the American they’ve met

Y’all don’t know me

But still, I must appreciate your want to take a picture with me

Despite me invading your home

Despite me exercising my privilege as a college student from America

Despite me taking in your culture

When you may not even have the opportunity to take in mine



Enjoy your weather when it’s not too hot

Enjoy your food when it’s not too sweet

Enjoy each beach

Enjoy your clothes

Enjoy your kindness

So I guess it’s no trouble if you want a picture


To my future fans

And to my current ones

I will try to take in my experience today

And when you ask me to take a photo

No matter the mood I’m in


I can get lost in the beauty of someone appreciating you

Even if they probably shouldn’t be there



On Thursday, February 22, 2018, the 23 other students, along with 6 staff members, and I were granted the opportunity to visit the Borobudur Temple in Java, Indonesia. This is the largest Buddhist temple in the world. We learned a lot about the temple, especially about the centuries it took to build the temple, the various symbolisms of the designs, and its overall significance. As an obvious outsider, I was subject to photos with Indonesian students, and also an interview about my experience thus far in Indonesia. As I reflected upon this experience, myself, and the future I desire to have (as a musical artist), I created this poem.

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