Exam Season Approaches and Some Thoughts about the End of the Semester

It’s that time of year! I am about to start my last week of classes and then I will have a SWOTVAC period (like a reading week) and then commence my three-week exam period. For two of my classes I have a final essay, and for my other two I have sit-down exams. Luckily they are spaced out pretty evenly across the exam period so I do not think I will have to be cramming too much.

However, I am the queen of procrastination so there is a high chance that will still happen.

Seeing as the last week of classes is approaching, it is starting to sink in that I am leaving Australia soon. Besides from fear of becoming a senior and generally having to start figuring out what I want to do for the rest of my life, I am sad because I don’t want to leave Melbourne! Melbourne is by far my favorite city I’ve ever lived in, and I would love to stay here forever. I’ve met amazing people and genuinely have had the best semester of my life over here. But instead of mulling over how time is running out, I want to take advantage of the time I have left and have some remaining memorable experiences, like visiting Uluru, seeing the Great Barrier Reef, and exploring more of the city.

Yesterday I went to the Royal Botanical Gardens and had a great day out with some friends. I rediscovered my love for palm trees, and saw some amazing flowers and plants. More importantly, I found a fast food place called Lord of the Fries which serves 100% vegan food, including vegan burgers, chicken, and sauces. Ideal for the sometimes-cheating-fake-fegan vegan! Only kidding, but finding a place like Lord of the Fries really makes me love living in a city, because there are so many more food options for my lifestyle. Got to love Clinton and New Hartford, but almost everything is covered in some sort of cheese!

for my Easter break I went to Bali to visit a friend studying there, and so I will  have some videos up of my time there, as soon as I can figure out why they are not uploading properly.

See you soon!


May Morning and an Oxford Ball

The city of Oxford has a wonderful tradition every May 1st to celebrate the coming of spring. By 6am, roughly sunrise, hundreds and hundreds of people (locals, students, and tourists) have gathered on Magdalen Bridge beneath the tower of Magdalen College. After the bell rings the time, the college choir sings from the top of the tower. Their tradition is to begin with a piece called ‘Hymnus Eucharisticus’ followed by a selection of spring carols. The gathered people cheer, the chaplain says a few prayers to bless the city and university, and then the pagan festivities begin.

The crowd generally follows a group of drummers through the main streets of Oxford. All throughout the city there are small groups of musicians and dancers keeping up centuries-old traditions. There are bagpipers from Scotland, a brass group from the city, and Maypole dancers from the countryside. All the pubs are open (and full) from 6am! Many students take this morning as a challenge to stay out partying all night with their friends and make it all the way until the 6am festivities. It was relatively easy to tell who had stayed up all night and who had actually gotten sleep!

This time of year is also when many college balls take place. Oxford colleges spend quite a lot of money on their annual formal balls. The dress code is black tie and the pricey tickets include access to all the food and activities the college offers. This year, Keble College’s ball had a forest theme. Tree-people walked around on stilts, the college chapel was covered in moving lights that sometimes looked like vines, and all the drinks had nature themes. Food stands were set up everywhere, and two stages on two quads held various musical acts throughout the night. The ball was open from 8pm until 4am!

Traditions like these are part of what make Oxford such a wonderful place. Though full of all kinds of people studying both old and new subjects, the city retains special celebrations and days to remind us of the history and legacy of the university and of England.

Magdalen Tower on May Morning
The line for Keble Ball
Keble Chapel lit up